Teachers are Artists who know the Science of Teaching


(Quote Source: Richard Bankert as Quoted in 4 Big Things Transformational Teachers Do)

What I love about this quote is it acknowledges the intention in our profession. Everything I do, I do with intention. There is a science to my madness.

This quote is from the article, “4 Big Things Transformational Teachers Do“. What my brain is chewing on is how transformational teachers facilitate productive struggle for their students. I am still growing in this area.

Productive struggle takes time and sometimes I find myself blurting out the conclusion a student should be coming to on their own. This is a good example of a place I can grow in my intention – I need to intentionally plan for struggle. If I build in time for this in the beginning, I will not feel rushed to go on to the next thing on my day’s agenda.

How do you promote productive struggle in your class?

Past Teacher Quotes –

  1. My Philosophy
  2. Focus on Relationships
  3. I Promise
  4. Increase Engagement
  5. Add Fun

Mrs. Harris Signature

P.S. The color inspiration for this quote came from the following palette by COLOURLovers:

Color by COLOURlovers

P.P.S. I would also add that the best teachers can also be scientists that know the art of teaching.

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