Pinterest Spammers vs. Pinterest Junkies

Are you a Pinterest Spammer or Pinterest Junkie?  Like many teachers,  I use Pinterest to gather ideas.  Ideas are free and I don’t particularly appreciate it when teaching boards are “spammed” with for profit items.  I would like to make a dime as much as the next person, but people are not going to want to buy your item if they found it under misleading pretenses through Pinterest.  Authenticity and honesty are key in any business.

With that in mind, let’s work together to refocus Pinterest on quality ideas.  Here is the criteria to become a “Gold Star Pinner”:

At least 75 percent (3 out of 4) of your pins must either be for a freebie, a useful website, or a blog post that offers useful content such as teaching tips, pictures of your classroom, details of how to do teaching related project, ideas on teaching theory etc. Useful content does NOT include contests and posts that are focused around promoting a for-purchase product.


Obviously I am a Pinterest junkie (and now also a proud Gold Star Pinner).

Let’s share to raise the quality of education!

Mrs. Harris Signature

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