Biome Battle
Last semester I did an activity that most teachers have likely done if they teach about biomes. First my students created a chart describing different aspects of each biome type. Then using that chart, they created an …. essay! You can cue the collective groans now.
I knew based on student response that I needed to revise this learning activity. My first idea was just to change the name but still have the students write an essay (sneaky teacher, I know). That is how the term “Biome Battle” was born. I’m a teacher; I love alliteration.
After I changed the name, I became reflective over the goal of the assignment – I wanted students to remember defining characteristics about each biome type. I could accomplish that with something other than an essay, so I decided to offer the freedom of choice.
The rules for the Biome Battle assignment are:
- Must be the size of one regular size of paper
- Must fit on the front side only (some students broke this rule, but I’m not complaining)
- Must have information about at least 5 biomes off their Biome Chart
- Must be memorable (vague, I know – but I wanted to inspire creativity and hard work)
- Can be typed or hand written (or drawn)
That is it. Well sort of. I also motivated students by letting them know that a team of other teachers would choose the top three winners. And of course, the winners would receive a yummy prize.
I was very impressed with the student creations.
The products varied from typed brochures to comic style informative works of art.
The concept for this activity can be adapted to other topics easily. How would you implement this activity?

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