Bouncy Balls, Cheap Posters, and an Instagram Challenge

I am in amazement over how much has happened this week.  No wonder I feel exhausted!  I am sure it is no surprise after this and this, I am linking up with Doodlebug’s Teaching with my own “Five for Friday”.



First up is some inspiration to focus on the positive.  I initiated an Instagram Challenge for teachers to leave positive post-its for students and fellow teachers.



Second is my FIRST teacher feature ever and I am over the moon that it is about the multi-talented Krissy Venosdale of Venspired.



Third is my poor progress with my end of year students gifts.  So far I have only purchased some bouncy balls!  I am borrowing several ideas from “Tools for an Awesome Future“.



Fourth up is a sneak peak at the astronomy mini books my students created.



This last reflection of the week includes a FREEBIE!  Click here for a “Heart Earth” free image download You can use this image on your classroom webpage or to make your own poster using the “How to Get One Dollar Classroom Posters” tutorial.

I think I need a nap! Any tips for keeping up momentum?

Mrs. Harris Signature


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