Teacher Feature: Krissy Venosdale of Venspired

I am too excited to introduce you to Krissy Venosdale and her teaching blog Venspired.

Krissy-Venosdale-of-VenspiredHere are a couple of reasons why you will love Krissy and her blog.


  1. Student Ideas – Like this awesome end of the year teacher to student special gift
  2. Free Classroom Themes
  3. Free Classroom Posters (You can also find posters on her Flickr page!)

Krissy was kind enough to answer a couple of interview for this feature as well.

Question 1: What are some of your go to teaching resources?
Twitter. My PLN never lets me down.  The people I have connected with have pushed my thinking, supported me in the most positive way, and have become my go-to resource when I need help.   I also love reading the blogs of others.  Reading new perspectives and embracing the ideas of others can only improve our reflection and learning.  It’s what we expect our students to do, so it turns out, it’s great for us, too.
Question 2: I love how you seem to integrate your hobbies (like photography) into your teaching.  What advice do you have for managing a work/life balance?
Learning is my biggest hobby, so it fits in quite well with my line of work.  NASA, photography, my love of creativity, blogging, and my love of science all fit right in to what I do each day in my classroom.  I  love that I have a job that I can do what I love and love what I do.  When I need a break from reality, I like to take my camera and just photograph everything around me.
Question 3: I recently had a career change and moved from elementary to high school.  I read that you are in gear to make a move yourself.  What advice do you have for other teachers contemplating making a career switch?

I think as teachers, we are learners first.  Learning takes you places, so it’s only natural that we would find ourselves running into new opportunities, or in need a change to push ourselves toward a new path of growth.  I don’t consider this a big switch, really. I’m just continuing my journey to learn and grow.  It’s in a different state, in a new school, but my heart is always about learning, creativity, and improving education for kids. If we keep our eyes and hearts on the things we believe in, no matter where we go, we can make a difference.

Isn’t she just oozing with positivity and inspiration? What is your new favorite thing you found over at Venspired?

Thank you Krissy for agreeing to be my FIRST teacher feature!

Mrs. Harris Signature

P.S. Thanks to Tiny Sea for the Free Chevron Background!

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