Nail Stickers, Concept Maps, and a Princess
This past week was my last with students (tear, tear!). I am linking up with Doodlebug’s Teaching with my own “Five for Friday” recap. I’m proud that this is happening on Sunday, which is better than my Tuesday linkup last week. This recap is a bit more random, because with the end of school HERE – my mind is everywhere!
Nail stickers are my fav because I do not have a steady hand for painting my own nails. I scored a set of the “Steel the Night” color at Marshall’s for $2.99. I did not follow all the directions, but I think it worked out even better. I skipped the clear laminating layer – instead I just painted on a clear topcoat. I’m on Day 7 and they still look great!
While cleaning out my room I found poster sized concept maps created by my students this year. This is a great activity for students that is deserving of its own post.
I am still in a contact paper frenzy (remember this?). It is just a quick and easy way to spruce things up! I only put it on the top of each drawer so it wouldn’t be over-powering. Plus, it was much quicker this way!
I am wanting to create some sort of map inspired artwork for my home office. After sharing about these aspirations to one of my favorite colleagues at work, she shared this picture from the July 2013 Quilting Arts Magazine. I am in love! I sense painting in my future…
On the last day of school my students were creating masterpieces on whiteboards. I initiated a “Draw Mrs. Harris” challenge and this was an unexpected result!

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