To waste time or not waste time, that is the question…
When summer was first approaching, as a teacher I felt like this.
And now that summer is speedily moving by, I am reminding myself of this.
I promised that there would be several posters in my Chalkboard Posters Series, and since one poster doesn’t make a series, here are two more! I’m sticking to my plan.
The first one I think would be perfect in a classroom. I imagine myself simply pointing at it with “that look” when students are wasting time.
As a science teacher, I like that it uses the word “recycle” in an unexpected way. Even better, the quote is by the man who streamlined the manufacturing system for Toyota.
Next up is a poster I created for myself. While I was creating the first poster, I was reminded of another quote about time. This quote is so good that everyone from Bertrand Russell to John Lennon like it.
Ever feel guilty about taking time away from work? This poster is for you! As teachers, it is easy to feel like we need to be super human. Step back and take time for yourself. I told you to, so do it!
What’s your advice to maintain a good work/play balance?
P.S. Much thanks to and
there their daily supply of comics!
P.P.S. The font in the first poster is “Adam Gorry Inline“. I’ve used this font before, but I just recently learned that the font is named about a boy who overcame Leukemia after he was diagnosed with at age 3. The designer James Arboghast asks if you use these fonts to please make a cash donation to a Leukemia foundation or research fund of your choice.
P.P.P.S The second poster uses the font “Things We Said”.

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