How to Get One Dollar Classroom Posters Part Deux
When I initially wrote about creating one dollar posters for your classroom, I actually did the process myself. Twice. And I’m gearing up for a third order. I am liking the speed, cost, and quality that I can’t always get with VistaPrint. (VistaPrint is a whole ‘nother animal.)
I was very happy with using Staples Copy Center and my posters were ready in ONE day!
My two orders were placed at two different Staples due to travel, and I had a positive experience at both.
For this second order I changed the paper I used from the “Ledger White 24 lb” to the “11×17 67lb White”. It costs a bit more, but I like the thicker paper for added durability.
I am in love with the turnaround time. I put in my order on the 7th and picked it up on the 8th. A one day wait is great. I ordered five items for a whopping total of $1.81 per poster.
When I made this second order, I realized all my poster freebies so far have had black or dark backgrounds. (I’ll likely cut off the white of the dark posters I printed.) With that in mind, here is my new classroom poster freebies – decked out in fresh white. And some other colors too.
“Original” Color Version “Sea Water” Color Version
“Real Lime” Color Version “80’s” Color Version
Ever realize that what people refer to as “lime” doesn’t look at lime at all?
“Yuck” Color Version “Girly” Color Version
The quote I used is “One person can make a difference and everyone should try.” This quote is attributed to John F. Kennedy, but may originally be from Thomas E. Cronin who was a political scientists that served as a White House Aide. (Yes I link to Wikipedia. It is the most current, up-to-date encyclopedia that exists. Let your students use it for their papers. Yes, limit the number of Wikipedia sources they can use. Yes, make them use a variety of sources. Yes, show them how to scroll down to the bottom of Wikipedia so they can check, confirm, and find new sources. But most of all, yes let them use Wikipedia. Rant Ended.)
Hope you like it.
P.S. You now know I can count to at least two in French – un – deux. This kid can count to 10 in 10 14 different languages!

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