Teacher Quote: Increase Engagement

Teacher-Quote-Todd-Finley-Design-by-Mrs-Harris-Teaches-ScienceQuote Source: Todd Finley on Edutopia

I found this article highly validating. It was one of those moments in which I didn’t realize all these seemingly different strategies I employ as a teacher fall under the same umbrella term – connective instruction.

So what is connective instruction? Connective instruction is when “the teacher helps students make personal connections to the class, content, and learning…[and helps]… students see the curriculum as critical to their current lives, their future, and their culture”. When teachers are using connective instruction in their classroom, they are doing these six things:

  1. Promoting relevance: relating content to students’ lives.
  2. Conveying care: understanding learners’ perspectives.
  3. Concern for students’ well-being: demonstrating knowledge of students’ lives.
  4. Providing affirmation: telling students they are capable of doing well; using praise, written feedback, and opportunities for success.
  5. Relating to students through humor: showing that you enjoy working with young people (not as a class, as individuals).
  6. Enabling self-expression: connecting learning and identity by encouraging students’ expression of ideas, values, and conceptions of self.

What do you think?

Mrs. Harris Signature

P.S. See past teacher quotes here:

  1. Teacher Quote: My Philosophy
  2. Teacher Quote: Focus on Relationships
  3. Teacher Quote: I Promise
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