Visually Stunning Earth Science Posters
This poster project can easily be modified for any topic and for most grade levels.
I mentioned all the new technology being implemented in my classroom this school year and I’m happy to report that the first project exceeded my expectations.
Namely, my students exceeded my expectations. Have you ever gotten that tingly sensation because you just know it is going to be the best year ever? That is where I’m at right now.
I couldn’t help but get 20 of these posters printed in the 11×17 size at Staples. I’m so proud of my students; I have to put them up around the school! (I have 51 students between my two Earth Science classes so I couldn’t afford to print them all. It was a hard battle choosing!)
Seriously, take a peek at my students amazing work!
The variety of graphic design elements from my ninth graders was impressive (especially since this was an area I gave the least instruction). They presented their posters yesterday in class and were engaging speakers. Today they self-evaluated their work. (I found this business article referencing reflection as one of educator Ron Clark’s eleven characteristics of a highly successful classroom. I thought it was interesting to see businesses looking to educational practices for advice, since it usually seems to be the other way around.)
Interested in doing a similar project with your students? Check out…
- project directions I use with students
- student self-evaluation questions (I use this as a warm-up the day after the project is complete)
- Google Drawing template that I share using Google Classroom (You can use the “make a copy for each student” feature so each student has their own version to edit.)
- grading rubric for both the poster and presentation together (I count it as one grade.)
If you click on “File” and “Make a copy” you can have your own version!
I’m not a huge fan of my rubric – it is simple and easy, but not the best. How would you approach grading a project like this?

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