TPACK vs. SAMR Infographic – Part 2

I shared about the infographic that Rebecca Cissel of 21st Century Tekkie and I created. Now it is even better because Rebecca app smashed and used ThingLink to add links to our infographic. Here it is in all its link love glory.

I shared about reading the new to be out book, Power Up: Making the Shift to 1:1 Teaching and Learning, and one of the AUTHORS, Jen Roberts, shared two links related to SAMR and TPACK.

For SAMR, she took the focus of the tasks and placed it back on students and teachers.

For TPACK, she took a similar approach and added an “S” for students.

Mrs. Harris Signature




P.S. Summer (for me) is officially here! Have you read this article about 16 ways summer improves teachers’ lives? #14 is one of my favs!

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