Best Gift Ideas for Science Teachers – Funny Teacher Shirts Edition
I’m all for science themed clothing. Stores like Svaha and SnorgTees are among my favs. If you are looking for science gift ideas for science teachers or science majors, here is my round up of some fun science themed t-shirts from Amazon (cause free shipping y’all, and if you don’t have it, sign up for a free trial here).
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. As a teacher myself, any supplement to my income helps. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.
Elementary Science Teacher (or any Science Teacher really)
This cute pocket heart science tee also comes in a biology short-sleeve and long-sleeve version.
Physical Science Teacher
Physical Science involves matter, get it?
Chemistry Teacher
This chemistry joke tee is my second favorite of all the science tees in this roundup.
Biology Teacher
This is just pretty and floral, and I’d wear it.
Biology 2 or AP Biology Teacher
This cell biology “Enjoy the Little Things” shirt is hands down my favorite t-shirt on this list. DNA is listed as a data noodle. It cracks me up every time. It comes in long-sleeve and in a hoodie version too!
Earth Science Teacher
This earth science teacher shirt just makes me laugh out loud. It has all the best rock related puns!
Any Science Teacher
I couldn’t resist adding this snow pun science teacher shirt to this round-up.
Which science teacher shirts would you add to this list?

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