A to Z List of Science Careers
I shared about how starting with a science profession is an easy way to find and make STEAM lessons. So, how do you find a science profession to start with? I like using a reference sheet that is an A to Z list of science careers.
Science Buddies has a great resource for detailed information about science careers and I love that is written in kid-friendly language. Sometimes though, it is helpful to have a one-sheet reference, and this is what this post is about.
If you asked a student about different types of science or STEM jobs, many would simply answer “scientist” or “engineer”. This one-page printout can help expand a student’s limited view of science and STEM jobs to encompass varied and specific roles like a food chemist or land surveyor.
This “A to Z List of Science Careers” can be printed for lesson planning purposes or even for use as a reference sheet by students exploring STEM and STEAM related careers. You can use the image below or download the pdf through Teachers Pay Teachers.
The list includes the following careers: Acoustics Engineer, Biomedical scientist, Computer Scientist, Data Scientist, Environmental Engineer, Food Chemist, Geoscientist, Hydrologist, Industrial Designer, Java Software Engineer, Kinematic + Mechanical Engineering, Land Surveyor, Material Scientist, Nurse, Oceanographer, Power System Engineer, Quality control Scientist, Research + Development Engineer, Sustainability Scientist, Toxicologist, Urban planner, Volcanologist, Waste Management, Xylologist, Yield Engineer, and Zoologist.
Describing a complicated science career in one or two sentences is no easy feat. How would you improve any of my science descriptions? Also, how would you use this A to Z sheet with your students?
P.S If you are looking for ideas for science experiments, check out my book Real Science Experiments: 40 Exciting STEAM Activities for Kids online at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Indigo (for those of you in Canada), and even Target!

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