Course Planning Template
A start of a new semester is here, which means I am in hyper planning mode. This is the method of planning that currently works best for me. It is an amalgam of different lesson planning structures I have tried throughout the years. Every teacher is different, so take from this post what you need.
First, I start with a document that has rows with 5 boxes in each row. Each box represents the content I wish to cover in one class period (ideally). When I taught fifth grade, I would do this by unit, so I would have 4-6 rows. Now that I teach in a high school, I do it following our 6 week grading period. This means I have 6 rows (30 boxes). My goal is to fit each 6 weeks of instruction onto one page. This is a screenshot of my planning document for the “First Six Weeks” of Physics.
I rely largely on the standards set forth by my state when creating this document. It is standards based; it is the “what” I am going to teach. I sequence the content in the order I wish to teach it, but I am flexible. This is where my next document comes into play.
This is my day to day planning document; it is the “how” I am going to teach. Generally I aim to fill this out a week at a time. I print it with each of the spaces blank and fill in with pencil. I like being able to erase. Notice I have a “notes” section. I generally use this space for reflection about how the lesson went and ideas for modifications when (if) I teach it again.
Although it is just formatted boxes, I wanted to share my template. To view it properly you may need the free fonts: “Learning Curve” and “Zag” downloaded on your computer.

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