Earth Science Jeopardy Review
I have an account with JeopardyLabs that I use for earth science jeopardy review. I am not affiliated with the site in any way, I am simply a happy user. It did cost $20 for a lifetime account and I purchased it on a whim, but I have found the site to be useful.
You (and your students) can play the games for free, so you do not have to purchase an account.
I have created Jeopardy review games for many of my units. In class, I have my students complete review rotations the day before a test. One of the rotations is the Jeopardy review game displayed on my SmartBoard. Students usually play in a group of 3-5 students.
FREE: You can view all of my public jeopardy review games (that you or your students can play for free!) for Physics and other topics, but these are specifically the games I created for Earth/Environmental Science:
- Forces of Earth Jeopardy Review: Soil, weathering, earthquakes, plate tectonics, rocks
- Human Impact on Environment Jeopardy Review: Vocabulary, water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, and ways we help
- Weather and Climate Jeopardy Review: Atmosphere, weather, climate, water
- Sustainability, Ecosystems, and Astronomy Jeopardy Review: Population growth, Earth in space, ecosystems, biomes
If you create an account, you can make a copy and edit any of the game templates I’ve shared to better match your curriculum and student needs. This way your earth science jeopardy review can be specific to your class.
I also have earth science review flashcards for end of course review.
P.S If you are looking for more ideas for your science classes, check out my book Real Science Experiments: 40 Exciting STEAM Activities for Kids online at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Indigo (for those of you in Canada), and even Target! (Tip: It is usually available to read for free if you have Kindle Unlimited!)

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