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Videos Galore – Vimeo, Zaption, and More

Spring may or may not officially be here. (Read the Difference between Astronomical and Meteorological Seasons here.) I’m on a video kick and I recently realized that Vimeo has a lot of great video resources in their education category. I’m looking forward to sharing this infographic inspired water bottle vimeo …

Guest Blogging on My Site

Interested in guest blogging? Click to fill out the survey! My blog is my home. You can take your shoes off or leave …

Science Vocabulary Strategies

Here are two science vocabulary strategies – one is old and is new (for me). Concept Mapping If you have never used …

Currently in February

I was wondering this currently was pink and then I remembered this is the month of love. I already bought my husband’s …

Hanging Around is a Joy

This was the first week of a new semester and I’m not exhausted. This is not sarcasm. Seriously. (It may be the …

A Week of Learning

This week was all sorts of everything.   I started the week off with a new design. It is still a work …

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