Biome Battle: The Prequel

This weekend I shared about the Biome Battle projects my students created.  As I was writing that post I realized that my students didn’t just go from nothing to amazing projects.  First they organized information about each Biome type into this chart:


In case your students do not research the same biomes that I used with my students, I created a blank version so you can fill it in with the biomes your students research:


This is how I structured the activity.  I had each student research one biome of choice using texts I provided.  Next the students partnered with others that chose the same biome.  In this partnership they verified the information they found (as well as added more information).  Last, students created larger groups in which each student had a different biome.  Each student shared about their chosen biome while the rest of the students in their group filled in the chart.  This is a “think,pair,share” activity.

Next came the student’s biome battle projects!

How do you integrate literacy into your science lessons?

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Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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