A Week of Learning

This week was all sorts of everything.



I started the week off with a new design. It is still a work in progress, but it has promise. Chime in – what does it need?



ZipGrade is my new BFF. I’ve used it three times this week. Check it out. You won’t regret it – I promise! This week is all about learning new things.



I just splurged on 10 pounds of post-its. Am I crazy? Wait, don’t answer that. It was on sale for $50 and I had a $10 off coupon. $40 for a lifetime (or semester) supply of post-its. Seriously, this will be great for interactive notebooking!



My fingers hurt from my new attempts to learn ukulele. I have no rhythm and my fingers are clumsy, but I can play Amazing Grace. Progress. The hubs says I’m “2005 hipster”.  Umm, thanks?



For the past two weeks, I’ve been getting almost one email a day about my class focus poster (my first *real* product on Teachers Pay Teachers). You guys. Thank you so so much! It is extremely validating. Thank you again!

Class-Rules-Remixed-Into-Class-Focus-by-Mrs-Harris-Teaches-Science-WebsizeEnjoy the long weekend! My alarm clock is set for 11 a.m.

Mrs. Harris Signature





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