Must Have Items for your Science Supply Order with Ward’s Science
This post is sponsored by Ward’s Science. All opinions are my own.
Hey science teacher, I’m so grateful to be able to present to you, courtesy of Ward’s Science, a 15% Off Your Order Total Plus Free Shipping* exclusive promo code: WardsWorld15MH (see the end of this post for the fine print for using this code). This code is good until 10/31.
As a science teacher, it takes a lot of time and energy to figure out what items are best to purchase for a science supply order. For me, science supplies are a good value if they provide a high-quality learning experience for students and meet one or more of the following criteria: (1) will be used more than once, (2) save me time, and (3) aren’t too expensive.
In my own experience, some years the science budget has been very tight. To help with this, Ward’s Science has grants and funding services that are complimentary (free!) to help you find and win funding opportunities. They have helped over 1,000 educators win science and technology funding for their classroom and school, and they can help you too! I super encourage you to check it out and add it to your list of must do’s for this school year.
For my review of Ward’s Science, I wanted to try out a little bit of everything that is often in a science teacher’s order: live organisms (Live Ladybugs), interactive science demo materials (Glo Germ and an Energy Stick), science lab supplies (Effervescent Launcher Lab and Prepared Agar Cubes), science games (Game of Earth), and science teacher curriculum materials (Geoblox Environmental Degradation Block Models). Here’s more detailed information about each of the items I ordered:
I am a firm believer in using live organisms in science classes. Here is a great guide on using living materials to teach science standards. I like using Hippodamia convergens (Lady beetles or colloquially, ladybugs) because even the most squirmish student can generally tolerate these organisms, plus they are easy to take care of in a classroom setting. I generally use raisins soaked in water (for about 5 minutes) for food, and moistened (not sopping) cotton balls for water. I also use small sticks and cut grass, free from outside, as filler for their home (which is usually take-out containers with small air holes poked into the lid). It is possible to observe their whole life cycle. Like most insects, they can be escape artists, so be sure the lid is fully closed and air holes are very small. The live ladybugs from Ward’s Science arrived quickly and most importantly, they were all alive! Ward’s Science coordinates with you to schedule live organism delivery to ensure success.
In the past, I have used liquid Glo Germ, but I was out. I love Glo Germ products because a little bit really goes a long way and the container lasts a long time. This go-round I wanted to give the powder Glo Germ a try with a food contamination lesson using a head of lettuce. I’d love to hear all the ways you have used Glo Germ in your science classes too!
For years I have been re-purchasing the Energy Ball to use in science demos for introducing electricity. Another science teacher shared with me that this Energy Stick is more durable, so I’m hoping to test it out and see how long it lasts. Just like the energy ball, the Energy Stick lights up and makes noise when the circuit is completed. So far I like its larger size.
The Effervescent Launcher Lab from Ward’s Science is the best. It comes with a teacher guide and student guide for five different lab activities that investigate everything from the impact of launch angle to rocket speed. It also comes with all the materials to build an adjustable launcher and alka seltzer tablets. The only thing you needs is clear 35 mm film canisters with lids to use with the launcher. Just a note, these Film Canisters at Ward’s Science are NOT compatible with the effervescent launcher. It definitely doesn’t hurt to ask, so see if your local photo lab will give you this film canister type for free. I’ve used this type of activity with 4th graders through 11th graders.
Science classes often require a lot of prep, especially AP Biology. As teachers, where do we find the time? I’ve made agar cubes before and it really is a hassle. I can never get it perfect. The AP Biology Lab about Diffusion and Osmosis uses agar cubes, as well as most any general biology or chemistry lab about diffusion. These agar cubes come in a really nice jar and can be kept for a good while in the fridge before using in your classes. There are 18 cubes total, with six 1- x 1-cm cubes, six 2- x 2-cm cubes, and six 3- x 3-cm cubes. Basically, these Prepared Agar Cubes from Ward’s Science are perfect for a successful surface-area-to-volume lab with students and has minimum prep. Because these require refrigeration, Ward’s Science coordinated with me for delivery just like they did for the ladybugs.
I love the versatility of games like this. The Game of Earth can be used at a center with a small group, or by the whole class Jeopardy style. It is so, so hard to find GOOD questions for 6th grade-12th grade, and this game has ’em! The categories of these cards include the environment, atmosphere, rocks, tectonics, and hydrosphere (earth). I even love the special dice included with sides for e/a/r/t/h. If you have a Science Olympiad team (or similar), the Game of Earth is a must!
Geoblox Environmental Degradation Block Models
If you use interactive science notebooks or just appreciate paper models like I do, the Geoblox Environmental Degradation Block Models are amazing. I appreciate the reading information that goes along with each of the 19 models, and the how the topics covered match up with many earth and environmental science standards. Models cover topics like glaciers, polar ice cap melting, permafrost thawing, livestock production, overfishing, mining, oil spills, deforestation, desertification, salinization, water supply contamination, and more.

*The fine print: Offer valid on web only at To activate offer, use promo code at checkout. Offer expires 10/31/19. Free shipping includes standard ground shipping only and excludes items with hazardous shipping; standard hazardous shipping fees will apply. Unless otherwise specified, contract discounts and special offers may not be applied to any item priced with a final digit of ‘9’ (i.e. $6.99; $10.09; $129.99.) Offer excludes Somso models due to custom nature of the product. Offer excludes all Triumph Board products. Promotional discounts also may not be combined with other offers, discounts, contracts, or promotions. For more details, visit Selected items may be or contain chemicals, live materials, or hazardous materials and may be restricted for purchasing by educational institutions only. To purchase restricted items, please log into with your Full Web Profile, or create a new Full Web Profile here using your school’s Shipping Account Number. A full profile also allows you to pay with purchase orders, receive tax exemptions, contract pricing (if applicable), and other advanced features. Don’t know your Shipping Account Number or not sure what it is? We can help. Email or Click to Chat on the profile registration page and a Ward’s Science Representative will help you locate your Shipping Account Number or apply for a new one.

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